2016 was the year of trauma. Prince died. Muhammad Ali…

to the man who told me he was tired of hearing about Strange Fruit
watch them hang // blood oranges // ripened from the
inside out // swollen from the intake of rain // juicy // best
picked when dead // sliced from the tree // cut open
//watch the juices pour out // this field is full of trees //
tombstones // this orchard is a graveyard // watch the vines
wrap around slowly // gripping grapes // this wine has a
bitter aftertaste // hold still and listen to my blackberries
sing a flirtatious tune // it’s ripe enough // georgia peaches
still hang // blackening in the sun // this field is full of
tombstones // hanging trees // that bare fruit no one will
eat // like wine blood has a bitter aftertaste // this
graveyard is an orchard of strange bodies